I get asked quite a lot about where’s the best place to hang their art work. This is such a personal heartfelt question and the answer is a difficult one. You’ve paid a lot for your art work so, I get that you want to hang it somewhere special. Especially if you’ve paid top dollar for it.
Where you put your art is so personal to you, but there are a few tips I can pass on.

1) Don’t put your art work or photos or wall hanging in direct sunlight. The natural sun can discolour and fade your new work. So best to keep it out of direct sun light.
2) Put it somewhere, where you can see it regularly and it makes you smile. This can be pretty much anywhere, but personally I love hanging art work in an entry hall way, above a bed, over a fire place. Anywhere really, even in a loo – but I wouldn’t recommend putting it in a bathroom because of the steam or kitchen because of heat, steam and oil residue. This is all pretty much common sense. Also think about your interior style and how your new art fits within your aesthetics.
3) Think about the frame your choosing. Does it fit your paintings style, your room, your style?
4) Does it need to be hung? Sometimes placing your frame or canvas art on a shelf, mantle or on a side board can look stunning. Especially on top of a stack of books. If it’s small enough art work can look beautiful in a built in book case.

The weight size and material of your painting dictates where it’s going to go, is your wall strong enough to hang a large heavy piece.
There is some science to hanging art, some expects say that the centre of the frame should be 57 inches above the ground. That’s where the average human eye level sees art.

Think about putting it in a collection, picture wall or weather you want them hung on their own. This can be measured out and precise using the same frames in the same colours or more of a eclectic feel. Like using different style and coloured frames This is all dependant on your own style of your home.
I would love to see how you display your art work, photos wall hangings, especially if you are lucky to have a JFA print or original. Share on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #jofrancesarts