The reason for me writing this blog hasn’t all been about me trying to market my art business, although it was originally why I started it. I’m not even too worried if no one even reads it, I mean it’s great if people do. But for me this blog is more than just trying to get my art out there. It’s become an online diary that I can look back on and see what and how I did. A journey, story a diary that people can follow along with my journey.

Maybe even leaving a legacy behind for my kids, so they can read what I was trying to do when I’m old and can’t remember who I am. I guess it’s also like my art, I’m leaving little footprints in peoples hearts with my work.
When I decided to write a blog I promised myself I would do it once a week. Well it’s been longer, but when the start of school here in the UK it’s been a tad crazy. My eldest boy changed schools so the transitions been a bit bumpy but he’s been amazing I am so proud of him. and my youngest started school for the first time. I wanted to take this time to focus on them and make sure it went as smooth as possible.
Now that they are both in full time I can concentrate and nurture this little corner of the creative internet while they go a grow.
And this gently leads me into today’s topic. My why. Why do I do what I do? Have you ever asked yourself why you do what you do as your job? It’s a huge question isn’t it? I sat down and really thought about this for a long time. My first thought was “for my family” and it still is. I would like to release the pressure off my husband who works so hard and in recent years it’s taking it’s toll physically on him. He’s a mechanic so he has to be 100% physically fit, but time hasn’t been kind to him and he’s starting to feel the effects of a career he’s been in for over 20 years. I want to offer some relief and pressure financially.
But when I delve deeper into why I now do this, why now, why not get a full time job that the boys are in school? Am I being selfish to want to pursue a career in Art when we struggle financially? It’s been playing on my mind a lot. Yes, the responsible thing would be to get a “proper” job that pays me and has a regular income.
But I want to make the world a more happy and joyful place, and your probably sitting there thinking how? How can one small housewife, a mum of 2 living in suburbia change the world. Well obviously I can’t, but I can at least try. I can at least try and bring some joy through my art. I hope that art evokes joy, love, even anger and injustice (all will be revealed later on on the latter). My pet portraits, I hope, bring happiness even when they are suffering a loss. Having a photo or painting of someone or some pet that we’ve lost is so therapeutic. And when I’m painting animals especially ones that have passed I know how that pain and sorrow feels. It’s immersible, I’ve lost many people and pets in my life. And each time has been different but equally as painful. But when I’m painting a pet that has past every brush stroke that hits the paper or canvas I feel that pain but I also want to paint a picture that the recipient loves and makes them smile. Evokes happy joyful memories about their pet. And for now that’s all I could ask for.
I know I have so much more to give, I have passions and values that I want to show through my art. But time is my greatest gift right now, soon I can share with you what my passions are.
If you would like to stay up to date with what’s happening with JFAs and behind the scene, or offers sign up to my email list. just scan the QR code with your phone camera

This is beautifully written Jo right from your heart. I think 🤔 you need to be the best version of your self, your family will always have a happier enabling wife/mother due to your choices congratulations on being so brave xxx Glyn