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Ok, so I know what you’re thinking, the UK is on the brink of a financial disaster, so why am I writing a blog post about the price of art? When the people in the UK are struggling to pay for their bills and food, why am I writing a blog about buying art? Surely buying art should be the last thing you should be thinking about. And I get that, I really do, as an artist and trying to carve out a business especially now when we could be hitting a recession is probably the most stupid move I could make. And don’t get me wrong, I have had numerous internal conversations where I’ve told myself that I need to give up and get a “proper job” . I even looked at cleaning jobs, admin jobs and various office jobs. At one point I thought maybe I will go back to dog walking. It was the one and only “job” that I thoroughly loved and enjoyed. But then I have to look at myself and often have the conversation about why I’m doing what I’m doing. Why am I sitting down at my dining room table creating art, writing this blog, writing emails and social media posts, why am I working so hard to sell my art especially now when the UK and world are struggling? 

I’ve asked myself this so many times and I’ve told myself that no one is going to buy my work when they can’t afford food. But then I realized that people need something to escape their world and bring them joy, and just as I was about to give up, I sold some art. The biggest order I’ve had so far. A lady contacted me via facebook and asked to buy my whole collection of The Happy Dog Collection. I then had a bit of an epiphany and it was a very selfish one. Why can’t I continue to create art and make money for my family? Why do I need to give up my career and love because the government has said we are hitting hardship. 

Surely this is the time when small businesses need to swim to the surface of the giant ocean and show the world what we have to offer because we deserve this, even more so than now. Everyones heard the tag “Shop Small” “keep local” but how many of us can truly wholeheartedly say we shop small for everything? We can’t, it’s kind of impossible. I often order from Amazon because I’ve forgotten to buy XYZ a present. And as long as that’s there and it’s so convenient, the smaller businesses will struggle and soon all our buying will be online and from big corporate companies. 

Even if it’s just an apple from your local green grocers (if you have one), get your hair done at the little hairdressers down the road or the one who’s working from home. Buying some hand made soap made by the hands of a busy mum in her home. Or some art made by the mum who’s trying so hard to bring just a little bit of income into their family home because they too are struggling and all they want to do is bring happiness and joy into a world which at the moment needs hope and joy more than ever.

Like with everything made by a small business its often made by one or a couple of people who are working so hard to make some money. With myself painting or doing illustration isn’t just about picking up the paint and putting it onto a canvas and making something wonderful. Its about procrastination and self doubt even before I’ve picked the paintbrush up. Its about trying to come up with new ideas all the time, its about constantly trying to find your voice and doubting your self all the time, Its about guilt of wanting to paint and not bringing in any money or loosing time which should have been spent with your family. There’s so much physical and emotional work that goes into running any business, that when I personally produce a piece of work that I like and actually think about showing it to the world. It’s probably taken me 100s of hours of thinking, lack of sleep, worry and disappointment. But when I put it out into the world and its been viewed by maybe 2 people that I know it was all worth it.

And art doesn’t have to cost the earth, you can buy prints, my A6 postcard size prints are £8 and this is for my holiday collection and Happy Dog Collection. Just having this small piece of art that you put on your wall in a frame or even just with some tape or blue tack (although not advised as this will damage the paper) where it will just catch your eye as you rush out the door or make your way to bed. I know that when I see some prints or art that I’ve brought or even my sons own art hanging in my dining room or lounge etc it just makes me smile and for a split second in my busy chaotic day no matter what mood I’m in, it brings me happiness and that is priceless. 

If you’re interested in supporting small businesses please try and be more conscious of what and where you shop. If you would like to support my own small business and would like to buy your own joy for your home, You can buy any of my prints from my website www.jofrancesarts.co.uk or view the whole collection on www.instagram.com/jofrancesarts

My art featured by @finding.a.balance on Instagram

Once again thank you for taking time to read my little blog and supporting me on my journey of joy.
