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A better day…

A better day…

Today, today I feel better. Just writing those words takes courage, I’ve sat here for the long time trying to figure out what it is I actually want to write. What words can I put on the screen that will benefit anyone reading this? And then I thought to myself...
How Much does Art Cost??

How Much does Art Cost??

Ok, so I know what you’re thinking, the UK is on the brink of a financial disaster, so why am I writing a blog post about the price of art? When the people in the UK are struggling to pay for their bills and food, why am I writing a blog about buying art? Surely...
To affinity and beyond

To affinity and beyond

As an artist and someone who previously has worked with animals, in particular dogs, I’m often asked why I have such an affinity with animals. And if I’m honest I’m not 100% sure where it came from, but I 100% know why! A little bit of history… I owned my first rabbit...
Christmas musings

Christmas musings

My eldest son keeps asking me “how many more sleeps until Christmas” and I keep saying quite a few. But actually there’s only 45 more days until the big day. I watched my first cheesy Christmas film the other day. We’re living in a new home and despite being a bit...